Title Every Ball Counts: Seizing A Moment
Editor Duda Rodrigues
Executive Producer Nicola Harris
Creative Matt Farnworth
Account Manager Will Alvis
Motion Graphics Designer Jordan Ackom
Production Company Contented
Producer Rajan Vedash & Will Atkins
Client The Hundred | ECB
Every Ball Counts is a three part docu-series about the first season for the newest cricket competition The Hundred.
This series was made up of over 40 interviews, 8 different brands, several hours of match, UGC and behind the scenes footage and within one month of creative development and post-production the series was published.
Ep. 1 Seizing A Moment - Edited by me.
Ep. 2 Igniting A Dream - Edited by Sean Webb.
Ep. 3 Bringing People Together - Edited by Jordan Ackom and Sean Webb.
This series was broadcasted live on Sky and BBC Sports and lives on The Hundred’s website and youtube channel.